I've spent yesterday trying to optimise the inpainting code -- it's quite slow, taking up to 10 minutes for 1 galaxy, and with 900 galaxies, I can't really afford that. Or I should get access to more computers, then prepare the working environment, copy files, install Python libraries, screw something up along the way. That's boring and teaches nothing new.
Besides, there's really some room for improvement: those loops and exceptions are ugly and probably avoidable, and looping over array many times could be sped up using some numpy kung-fu.
I wrote a prototype that juggles with the masks, uses some boolean manipulations and numpy.roll(). Near the edges the algorithm reverts to traditional loops over indices.
However, it's still a slow. I ran a profiler: the loops shifting the array take 0.5s each, and so I win nothing in the long run. Array operations are expensive, and when an array is indexed repeatedly within a loop, the code gets slow inevitably. But there's no way I can escape recursion, because I have to pick up a new set of pixels every time.
I still have some ideas, but I want to have some time to analyse the results.
Besides, there's really some room for improvement: those loops and exceptions are ugly and probably avoidable, and looping over array many times could be sped up using some numpy kung-fu.
I wrote a prototype that juggles with the masks, uses some boolean manipulations and numpy.roll(). Near the edges the algorithm reverts to traditional loops over indices.
However, it's still a slow. I ran a profiler: the loops shifting the array take 0.5s each, and so I win nothing in the long run. Array operations are expensive, and when an array is indexed repeatedly within a loop, the code gets slow inevitably. But there's no way I can escape recursion, because I have to pick up a new set of pixels every time.
I still have some ideas, but I want to have some time to analyse the results.
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